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U-Beaut EEE Ultra Shine - 250ml Jar

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Please call for availability - 1800866574

EEE-Ultra Shine has the unique ability of breaking down the grit size as you use it however instead of becoming blunt like most other abrasives it continues to cut which takes your finish to a higher and higher shine as you continue to work. For woodturners it also has the ability of removing sanding marks from most timbers and can greatly reduce your sanding time whilst giving you a far better finished surface than you have ever had before. A blemish free surface pre-polished and ready to apply your finish to.

If you sand to 240 grit then use EEE it will give you about the equivalent of sanding with 2,000+ grit or more. The higher grit abrasive paper you use before using EEE the better your finish will be. If you sand to 1200 – 1500 grit and then use EEE you will get about the equivalent of sanding up to somewhere between 20,000 & 30,000 grit depending on the material you are working on and the length of time you are prepared to put into the application (rubbing)

In pretty well all cases what you will be left with is a surface that shows no sanding marks and is ready to have  ShellawaxShellawax Glow, Aussie Oil or Shellawax Cream applied to it as a final finish, which is just about guaranteed to blind you with its brilliance.

  • If you use any of our friction polishes and are amazed at the finish you get with them, prepare to be astounded if you use EEE-Ultra Shine first. The finish will be nothing short of miraculous.
  • If you are striving for perfection in the look of your finish? This is it.
  • If you are not striving for perfection in the look of your finish. This will give it to you anyway.
  • If you are sick of spending hours on a finish that is at the best mediocre then try EEE-Ultra Shine, in conjunction with either Shellawax, Shellawax Glow, Aussie Oil, Shellawax Cream, or even Shithot Waxtik on your woodturning and you will never look back.



egg3.jpg (3361 bytes)Sand your turned item to a minimum of 400 grit abrasive (for fine turned items you may wish to sand up too 1200 grit or more). Stop the lathe & apply an even coat of EEE – Ultra Shine with a clean soft rag.

Turn the lathe on and work the wax over the surface with the rag as you would work the surface with an abrasive paper. When you can see a mirror image of your fingers or rag in the face of the work is done and you can stop with the EEE..egg2.jpg (3015 bytes)

Finally, with the lathe still running buff off the remaining wax and abrasive grit with a clean piece of soft cloth until no more wax is coming off onto the cloth you can then apply  Shellawax, Shellawax Glow, Aussie Oil or Shellawax Cream for a brilliant glossed finish. For a naturel waxed finish use Shithot Waxtik or Traditional Wax..

Above left: Egg sanded with 180 grit abrasive then with EEE-Utra Shine.
Above right: Close up of the same egg showing no sanding marks. It is now ready to be polished


plas1.jpg (1513 bytes)On pens etc. made with crushed velvet, decora or any of the other plastic type finishes plas2.gif (5520 bytes)EEE – Ultra Shine – Ultra Shine can be used as the sole finish. Sand with 240 to 400 grit wet and dry abrasive paper using water as a lubricant then apply EEE – Ultra Shine as above working the polish over the surface until the desired effect is obtained. You should have a brilliant blemish free shine on the surface.    

Left & right: These pieces of Decora were given a very quick sand with 180 grit abrasive then finished with EEE – Ultra Shine even when closely inspected with a magnifying glass there are no sanding marks visible.


EEE – Ultra Shine can also be used after the application of Shellawax to finely cut the surface giving a brilliant shine. Used over Organ Oil, Danish Oil, polyurethane and lacquered surfaces as a final finish EEE – Ultra Shine will give the same brilliant shine rather than that wet looking shine that many finishes get.


soap2sml.jpg (2929 bytes)EEE – Ultra Shine is used with brilliant results on Jade. Whether being used in the lathe or polished by hand the result is nothing short of spectacular. If the stone is then finished with Shellawax and then cut again with the EEE the finish is even more brilliant and also well protected.

 (Right: Jade polished with EEE)

No other stones have been tested yet but it is possible that this will work well on many others.


Use EEE – Ultra Shine as a final finish over a polished surface to enhance the finish and remove or at least hide (blend in) slight surface imperfections.

Allow the French polished surface to harden approximately 5+ days, then apply the wax to the surface using a clean soft cloth and rubbing with the grain of the timber. Buff off with another clean soft rag turning regularly to remove the grit. Works brilliantly with our Swansdown Mop (buff)

Finally Polish over the entire surface using our Polish Reviver this will remove the last traces of grit and give the surface a brilliant glow and will give the surface a very high resistance to marking from alcohol, water, heat, etc

Combine EEE Ultra Shine with Polish Reviver for brilliant results on old French polished & lacquered surfaces. Restores faded, dull, smoke stained, water marked surfaces to like new and gives the surface the same high resistance to marking as above.


We have had reports of it working brilliantly in various metals, bone, shells, Tugua nuts, a variety of polished and painted surfaces and even as a cut and polish on a car (We do not recommend it as a cut and polish for cars but it does work).

Special note for EEE on raw timber

EEE-Ultra Shine is not a finish for raw wood.

  • When EEE is used on a lathe on raw timber it produces a brilliant shine.
  • Do not be fooled into leaving the wood like this.
  • It is the timber shining from the super fine abrading. There is little to no finish on the wood.
  • Because of this the timber will dull in a short period of time from moisture in the air, steam, humidity, handling, etc.
  • This is because the timber is basically still raw. If it gets wet it will dull off instantly.

Please use a finish over the top preferably one of the Shellawaxes, which are 100% compatible with the EEE. You can also use our Traditional Wax or our Shithot Waxtik or any other wax over it. However because the wax in EEE is so tenacious it is possible that it may stop any other finish from adhering to the surface. So, if you intend using another finish over EEE do a test piece first to make sure it will work. This may well avoid some tears and gnashing of teeth down the track.


If the top of the wax or just below has a translucent or whitish surface it has been heat affected
ie: partially melted allowing a little of the carrier to come towards the top of the mix.
This can be discarded, mixed back in or fixed properly as per the information below:

To FIX MELTED EEE: Put container in hot water to melt contents, when melted stir with non
metal stirrer until mix begins to cool & thicken otherwise the abrasive may drop out of the mix.

To REJUVENATE HARD EEE: Do the same as above but, add a small amount of Mineral Turpentine (White Spirits).
eg: For half a jar add 1 desert spoon, if really dry add 1 tablespoons, too much will just make it runny. More can be added if really needed but don’t double up the above.

 DO NOT leave rag inside jar.
DO NOT remove foil disc from inside lid.
 Please ensure the lid is always securely fastened.

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